How a Tree Stump Created Quite the Stir

Tree Stump Table.jpg

Working as a real estate broker here in the Greater Seattle area, I have an opportunity to see so many beautiful homes.  And while touring these homes I often come across design elements or features that sometimes just speak to me.  Whether it's an idea I like for myself that someday, I'd like to replicate or an idea that I just can't help from saying "how cool is that"? Regardless, I always try and snap a photo so I won't forget.  

A few years back I had gone out with clients to tour a stunning custom home in the Three Lakes area of , and once I pulled onto the driveway of this exceptional home I knew it was going to be special.  Aside from the Iron archway that greeted you as you pulled in, there was a terrific little putting green to the left and a beautiful tree lined drive that took you first by the oversized detached garage and guest house then ultimately to the main house.  I had arrived a bit before my clients and took a quick stroll around the grounds of the house and that is when I came across this absolutely adorable tree stump table and just fell in love with it.  I immediately pulled out my camera and snapped a photo.  Tell me this isn't the cutest thing you've ever seen?

Soon after taking the photo my clients arrived and we had an opportunity to tour the inside of this gem of a home.  Around every corner there was a great detail or architectural design that just made the house special, even to this day that house stays in my mind.  My clients didn't end up making an offer on it, but they loved it nonetheless.  If you want to take a peek at the listing details and some of the photos of the terrific interior -- I have the CLOSED property listing for you to enjoy!

Now, let's get back to this adorable wood table and how that innocent little photo I took would absolutely blow up my pinterest account.  About a year or so after seeing that table, I was cleaning off photos from my phone and decided I'd save the photo to my Pinterest Board {HOME} Outdoor Spaces and shortly after I kept getting notices that my pin had been repinned, well a few notices a month turned into a few a week, then a few a day and now averages about 5000 pins a month -- Holy Smokes!  I guess I wasn't the only one who though this table was so sweet.  

It just goes to show even the simplest of ideas can have a huge impact.  So for all my Pinterest followers and friends who've liked and repinned this Tree Stump Table.... please let me know if you follow through this creating something like this and please share any photos of your finished project with me.